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Italian Facilities Reduced Our Carbon Emissions by 92%

Jul 28, 2022

As of January 1, 2022, our two Italian manufacturing plants—located in Mestrino and Monte di Malo—are now powered by 100% renewable energy, as certified by E.ON.

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Customer Testimonial: The Killer Brownie Company

Mar 25, 2022

Find out how our partnership with The Killer Brownie Co. led to product growth and distribution.

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Forecasting Pet Food Trends in 2022

Dec 10, 2021

Learn the sustainability and other pet food packaging trends expected to continue in 2022.

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Paper or Plastic? You Can Run Both.

Nov 24, 2021

BWFS has modified customers' baggers to run paper packaging materials. What have we learned along the way?

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Customer Testimonial: Goal Achieved for Need for Improved Accuracy in Bag Filling of Pet Food

Nov 10, 2021

Read about how BW Flexible Systems helped a top American pet food company improve the accuracy of their pet food packaging operations.

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Thiele's Downtime Monitor Makes Diagnosing Downtime EASY

Jul 20, 2021

Thiele's Downtime Monitor provides an overview of all the conditions that have prevented the system from running in Automatic mode throughout the day, as well as the amount of time each condition accumulated.

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The Growing Pains of Sustainability in Packaged Foods

May 21, 2021

Michael Dann provides insights on the complexity of "sustainable" packaging and shares some suggestions for possible collaborations that can lead to better solutions.

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Get to Know: Thiele's Adjustable Spout Feature

Apr 15, 2021

Thiele's Adjustable Spout feature allows for fast, accurate changeovers by ensuring that the spout's OPEN position is maximized relative to the bag size. Learn more about this productivity-boosting feature here.

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Get to Know: Bag Air Deflation System for Thiele Star Series Baggers

Mar 31, 2021

Thiele introduces a breakthrough in bag filling quality with the innovative Bag Deflation System.

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Get to Know Thiele's Bag Top Registration System

Mar 01, 2021

The target area for filled bag sealing is small and seal applications need to be neat and square. The Bag Top Registration system, a feature of our Thiele Star bag filling system, maximizes bag quality and quantity by adjusting each bag’s position prior to placement in the transfer mechanism.

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