A Barry-Wehmiller Company
Meat and Cheese Companies In Economic Recovery - Post Covid

Meat and Cheese Companies In Economic Recovery - Post Covid

Kyle Munley | Jan 26, 2023

Covid kept consumers home for an unexpected length of time that negatively affected many food manufacturers along with food retail chains. The absence from in-person shopping has conditioned consumers to base their shopping experience on convenience due to this paradigm shift.

As a food manufacturer how do you bring them back into the fold and keep them?

Start offering more convenient shopping experiences. The demand for "Grab-and-Go" packaging has massively grown from gas stations and convenient stores to massive size supermarket chains.

If you are looking for ways to bring back your customers and retain them, our RT c-fold zipper flow wrapper is the answer to your problem. You can also add a labeling device for private labeled products.

It is all about the convenience and the experience. Today's customers are always on the run.

Isn't it time to condition ourselves so we can keep up and hopefully catch these customers?

Watch this video to see the best thing since sliced bread- sliced cheese:



Kyle Munley

Kyle Munley

A veteran digital producer, Kyle has worked in many industries, including publishing, consumer power tool manufacturing, and now flexible packaging machinery manufacturing. He is currently the Digital Asset Management Specialist for BW Flexible Systems.