A Barry-Wehmiller Company
Symach Palletizers

Symach Palletizers

Symach designs and manufactures palletizers and palletizing systems that increase production and are cost effective. We provide flexible, efficient, customer-specific solutions that guarantee reliable business operations, harm-free logistics processes and reduced costs. The design, improvement, calculation and detailing of customized solutions is carried out by highly motivated specialists. At Symach, we give our customers a head start and create value for people and companies, building the optimum solution for you with the utmost care and motivation.

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“We probably went up about 30% in the first year. We've run from 7 AM to 11 PM, five days a week – we haven't missed a day.”
Boyd Rose, Co-Owner | East Point Potatoes

About Symach Palletizers

Symach's automatic palletizing equipment is designed to help achieve higher speed production rates and high-quality, perfectly stacked pallet loads.

Our machines can palletize virtually any bag in a variety of sizes, shapes, or materials in stable, square pallet loads. Symach bag palletizers feature a patented layer squaring and compression system to maximize full-pallet load stability and appearance.

Bag palletizing equipment automates the pallet building process, but not all product lines are built the same. Many different palletizing accessories and technologies can be employed to help you make the perfect pallet, enabling us to customize to your needs.

At Symach, we partner with you to find the right bag palletizing equipment for your production needs.

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